Dear Editor"


Dear Virginia,

I enjoyed your article on TV versus TS and can appreciate the article a great deal more now since it completely confirms what I have had to find out for myself. Yes, I have for almost as many years as I have been a TV yearned for that magic wand that I could wave and be made not a girl but a female for I thought that would be the only solution. Later on I read about Christine Jorgenson and how I envied her and I, perhaps along with thousands of others tried to figure out how to get to Denmark. In more recent years I even sol- icited the aid of a Surgeon and a Psychiatrist on the possibilities of surgical alteration. Naturally I was turned down because I was married, had children, was from out of state, a bit too old and on and on. I went back home to nurse my wounds. In the meantime I started to follow the advice of a local psychiatrist who said bluntly to me that I was small enough to pass, I should get a good wig, use cos- metics to hide my beard and pass as the need arises. He also pointed out that I lived in a state and city that had no laws against men wearing woman's clothing and passing as one of them.

With a great deal of fear overcome by the ecstasy of being a woman out in public and leasurely shopping for lingerie I started to pass. Now after three years of passing, I do practically everything as a woman. My brother earns the money, has his friends and relatives, but I have the rest, even some of my brother's relatives. I have the apart- ment, furnished the way Myrtle Ann likes it, my own friends and practice all of life's little duties such as shopping, going out to dinner and shows, travel, seeing my doctor, dentist and lawyer and church. Yes I have even taken an individual charm course and am now attending sewing classes learning how to make my own clothes.